
Yeon-Mu Line: 工
Meaning: Artisan
3rd Dan Poomsae

Taebaek means Red Mountain (Bright Mountain), which is the holy mountain of 아사달 Asadal, where the ancient 대조선국 Joseon Kingdom of Korea was found. The bright mountain symbolizes the origin of the spirit and tradition, sacredness, and thoughts of 홍익인간 Hongik Ingan, which is the official educational motto of South Korea and means “to broadly benefit the human world”.

Taebaek has many different positions and names, but 백두산 Mount Baekdu is its representative place — the womb that symbolizes people. Therefore, the Poomsae was formulated based on the lofty ideal of 단군 Dangun, the legendary founder and god-king of 고조선 Gojoseon — the first Korean kingdom.

Taebaek refers to a martial artist who has mastered the Taegeuk level, characterized by a high level of practice that can intentionally switch between Yin and Yang. Its Poomsae Line follows the character of 工. The horizontal lines signify the heaven and earth, and the vertical line signifies people.

Therefore, it refers to a person who has trained and mastered receiving the energy of heaven and earth. It refers to a stage where all parts of the body can react instantaneously and freely to switch between defense and offense. Thus, they can subdue the opponent without hurting the person who may respond recklessly to ultimately reach the ideal of Hongik Ingan through martial arts.

“The new techniques learned at this stage are 아래 손날 헤쳐 막기 Arae Sonnal Hechyeo Makgi (Low Knife Hand Opening Block), 걷어 막기 Geodeo Makgi (Parrying Block), 팔목 빼기 Palmok Ppaegi (Wrist Pulling Escape), as well as a new way of using the body, 금강 몸통 막기 Keumgang Momtong Makgi (Diamond Middle Block) while rotating the body in one direction.

지르기 Jireugi (punching) with pulling, which is performed with the wrist turning inward and twisting, is used when the opponent holds your wrist. The following two similar skills can be used differently based on the context: the technique of prying the wrist off the hand while holding the elbow as the axis and shifting the weight forward using the body weight and changing the direction of the opponent’s straight attack by pushing it outward as the counter attack.

The practitioner will learn how to use them according to the situation and alter between them to connect the moves. Through the connection of 금강 몸통 막기 Keumgang Momtong Makgi, 당겨 턱 지르기 Danggyeo Teok Jireugi (Pulling Jaw Punch), 반대 지르기 Bandae Jireugi (Forward Punch), 옆 차기 Yeop Chagi (Side Kick) and 팔굽 표적 치기 Palgup Pyojeok Chigi (Elbow Target Strike), you will train how to quickly relax and contract the muscles to change the central axis swiftly. In particular, you can train how to balance and stay agile while pulling the wrist downward, turning 360°, to take a step and perform 몸 돌아 등 주먹 치기 Mom Dora Deung Jumeok Chigi (Spinning Back Fist Strike).”

Technique Summary

서기 Stances:

  • Closed Stance / Moa Seogi / 모아 서기

  • Parallel Stance / Naranhi Seogi / 나란히 서기

  • Tiger Stance / Beom Seogi / 범 서기

  • Forward Stance / Ap Gubi / 앞 굽이

  • Backward Stance / Dwit Gubi / 뒷 굽이

  • Crane Stance / Hakdari Seogi / 학다리 서기

방어 기술 Defensive Skills:

  • Knife Hand Low Opening Block / Sonnal Arae Hechyeo Makgi / 손날 아래 헤쳐 막기

  • Parrying Block / Geodeo Makgi / 걷어 막기

  • Diamond Middle Block / Keumgang Momtong Makgi / 금강 몸통 막기

  • Assisted Knife Hand Block / Sonnal Geodeureo Makgi / 손날 거들어 막기

  • Pressing Block / Nulleo Makgi / 눌러 막기

  • Scissor Block / Gawi Makgi / 가위 막기

공격 기술 Offensive Skills:

  • Front Kick / Ap Chagi / 앞 차기

  • Double Punch / Dubeon Jireugi / 두번 지르기

  • Swallow Strike / Jebipum Chigi / 제비품 치기

  • Reverse Punch / Baro Jireugi / 바로 지르기

  • Pulling Jaw Punch / Danggyeo Teok Jireugi / 당겨 턱 지르기

  • Forward Punch / Bandae Jireugi / 반대 지르기

  • Side Kick / Yeop Chagi / 옆 차기

  • Hammer Fist Outward Strike / Me Jumeok Bakkat Chigi / 메 주먹 바깥 치기

  • Target Elbow Strike / Palgup Pyojeok Chigi / 팔굽 표적 치기

  • Spear Hand Vertical Thrust / Pyonsonkkeut Sewo Jjireugi / 편손끝 세워 찌르기

  • Spinning Back Fist Strike / Mom Dora Deung Jumeok Chigi / 몸 돌아 등 주먹 치기

특수품 Special Skills:

  • Basic Ready Posture / Kibon Junbi Jase / 기본 준비 자세 (5 Seconds)

  • Small Hinge / Jageun Doljjeogwi / 작은 돌쩌귀

  • Wrist Pulling Escape / Palmok Ppaegi / 팔목 빼기

기합 Kihap:

  1. On the third Reverse Punch

  2. On the third Forward Punch

Performance Notes:

  • Rhythm / Tempo:
    Be mindful of the different intervals between movements, which are determined by whether or not the next technique is offensive or defensive. The final line moving toward the back (Assissted Knife Hand Block through to Forward Punch) should flow and mustn’t have a staccato or plodding pace.

  • Knife Hand Low Opening Block:
    In 1st Position the fingertips should be at shoulder height with the hand blades facing toward the body.

  • Parrying Block:
    Travels in a circular motion from the philtrum to the belt, the palm begins facing up and ends facing out with a gentle curve in the arm while the elbow stays at the same height throughout.

  • Small Hinge:
    The top fist is always vertical with the palm facing in.

  • Diamond Middle Block:
    You can perform the block in the older style where each block (Upward Block & Inner Forearm Outward Block) takes its regular path from 1st Position to 2nd Position or in the new style where the hands take a more direct route to their 2nd position from Small Hinge. There will be no score variance based on this choice.

  • Pulling Jaw Punch → Forward Punch:
    Aim the first punch but not the second

  • Small Hinge → Hammer Fist Outward Strike + Side Kick:
    The top fist is vertical with the palm facing in. The Hammer Fist Strike can either go directly into the outward motion or it can be lifted to the shoulder before going outward.

  • Closed Stance → Backward Stance:
    Both feet should be at 30° to the left while in Closed Stance and the knees should remain bent, keeping the body in the Lower Stance height prior to stepping into the second Backward Stance + Middle Diamond Block.

  • Spinning Back Fist Outward Strike:
    The Pressing Block hand of the Spear Hand Thrust should not move during the Wrist Pull movement, the fist will close and raise to the shoulder during the turn to hit 1st Position of the strike. Keep your eyes in the direction of the thrust until you are finishing the turn into the Back Fist Outward Strike - the 2nd Position is slightly different from that of Taegeuk Chil-Jang (7) in that the elbow is slightly curved downward, striking at temple height.