Open Kyorugi
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Legal Techniques:
Head Kicks: ✅
Body Kicks: ✅
Low Kicks: ✅
Head Punches: ✅
Body Punches: ✅
Elbow Strikes: ✅
Knee Strikes: ✅
Clinching: ✅
Trips & Throws: ✅
Kick Catch Takedowns: ✅
Illegal Techniques:
Ground Opponent Strikes: ❌
Eye Strikes: ❌
Back Of The Head Strikes: ❌
Throat/Neck/Spine Strikes: ❌
Groin Strikes: ❌
Strikes To The Knee: ❌
Takedown Without Kick Catch: ❌
Clinch Without Attack: ❌
Suplexes/Overhead Throws: ❌
Open Sparring Techniques Allowed:
All punching techniques executed with a closed fist to the front and sides of the head, the torso, and the legs
All elbow strikes to the sides of the head (requires elbow pads) and the torso
All kneeing techniques to the torso and the legs
All kicking techniques to the front and sides of the head, the torso, and the legs (excluding the knees)
All takedown, sweeping, reaping and throwing techniques (other than those listed below)
Clinching with the intent to immediately attack afterward
Clinching with the intent to immediately sweep or throw afterward
Cannot strike more than 2 times per grab
Pushing with the intent to immediately attack afterward
Kick catching with the intent to immediately attack afterward
Open Sparring Techniques Not Allowed:
Attacking a grounded opponent
Attacking the eyes, throat, neck, spine, groin, knees or the back of the head
Single or Double Leg Takedowns without first catching the opponent's kick
Clinching or grabbing for any reason other than to immediately execute a legal attack
Suplexes or any other throwing techniques over the head
Throwing or spiking the opponent intentionally on their head or neck
Minor Inner Leg Reaping Takedowns / Ko Uchi Gari
Minor Outer Leg Reaping Takedowns / Kosoto Gari