World Taekwondo Poomsae Competition
Rules & Interpretation
세계 태권도 연맹
품새경기규칙 및 해설

Recognized Poomsae
공인 품새

Scoring Criteria
채점 기준

Technical Accuracy (4.0)

  • Accuracy In Basic Movements
    기본 동작 정확성
    Kibon Dongjag Jeonghwagseong

  • Accuracy In Individual Movements
    품새 별 동작의 정확성
    Poomsae Byeol Dongjag-ui Jeonghwagseong

  • Balance

0.1 point shall be deducted each time when a contestant makes a small mistake in individual movement.
품새 별 동작에서 경미한 실수라고 인정될 때, 1회마다 0.1 감점한다.
Poomsae byeol dongjag-eseo gyeongmihan silsulago injeongdoel ttae, 1hoemada 0.1 gamjeomhanda.”

0.3 points shall be deducted each time a contestant makes a big mistake in individual movement.
품새 별 동작에서 큰 실수라고 인정될 때, 1회마다 0.3점 감점한다.
Poomsae byeol dongjag-eseo keun silsulago injeongdoel ttae, 1hoemada 0.3jeom gamjeomhanda.

Deduction of 0.6 point: When the contestant restarts Poomsae regardless of the number of movements performed.
감점 0.6: 선수가 시행한 동작 수와 상관없이 품새를 다시 시작 할 경우.
Gamjeom 0.6: seonsuga sihaenghan dongjag suwa sang-gwan-eobs-i poomsaeleul dasi sijag hal gyeong-u.”

Presentation (6.0)

Deduction of points in presentation shall not be made for every small or serious mistake during the performance. Points in presentation shall be made for the overall performance of Poomsae.

  1. 2.0 points for speed and power

  2. 2.0 points for control of power, speed and rhythm

  3. 2.0 points for expression of energy

  • Speed & Power (2.0)
    속도와 힘
    Sogdowa Him

“Control of speed means an appropriate connection between actions and changes of speed.

Ability to perform Poomsae shall be evaluated on whether the movements are performed in accordance with the characteristics of the pertinent movement, for example, whether attacking techniques like Jireugi, Chagi, etc. are best performed, whether the movement is presented with a soft start and with a perfect balance between speed and power utilizing the body weight at the maximum, and whether a special movement is performed slowly intentionally, etc.

(Example 1) Deduction of point shall be made if too much strength is revealed in the beginning of the movements as it slows down the movements at the most important point of the movements.

(Example 2) Deduction of point shall be made if one exaggerates a movement to propel the next movement or utilizes the reaction of the body to express power.”

  • Rhythm & Tempo (2.0)
    강유 완급 리듬
    Gang-yu Wangeub Lideum

“Control of power means the strongest power shown at the most critical moment of the movement through speed and softness.

Rhythm means repeated actions according to set rules and length of note, and flow of power.

(Example 1) Too much power makes the movement look stiff from the start. Points shall be deducted if the speed, power and rhythm are presented with no changes from the start to the end of the lines of movements.

(Example 2) Points shall be deducted in case of stiff actions coming from stiff body: A strong start makes it difficult to accelerate, thus slowing down the action at the critical point of movements”

  • Expression Of Energy (2.0)
    기의 표현
    Kiui Pyohyeon

“Whether actions are presented with quality and dignity that come from mastering of the energy: size of body action, concentration, courage, sharpness, confidence, etc. according to the characteristics of actions of Poomsae.

Eyesight, kihap, attitude, costume, confidence, etc. all through the actions of Poomsae based on the performer’s physique and characteristics shall be evaluated.

(Example 1) Points shall be deducted if actions are not vivid, connecting actions are not big enough for the performer’s physique, performance is made in the same rhythm all the time without quality and dignity, and eyesight, kihap, confidence, etc. are not expressed perfectly.”

Freestyle Poomsae
자유 품새

Scoring Criteria
채점 기준

Technical Skills (6.0)
기술 력

  1. Jumping Side Kick (1.0)
    뛰어 옆 차기
    Points shall be awarded based on the performance level of jumping side kick and the height of jump.

  2. Multiple Kicks In A Jump (1.0)
    뛰어 찬 발차기 수
    Points shall be awarded based on the performance level of multiple kicks and the number of kicks in a jump.

  3. Gradient Of Spins In A Spin Kick (1.0)
    회전 수
    Points shall be awarded on the performance level of the spin kick(s) and the degree of spin (360/540/720/etc.)

  4. Kyorugi Style Consecutive Kicks (1.0)
    겨루기방식 연속 발차기
    Points shall be awarded based on the mastery and performance level of Kyorugi style consecutive kicks in a row, and the number of consecutive kicks shall be limited from 7 to 10.

  5. Acrobatic Kicking Technique (1.0)
    아크로바틱 발차기 기술
    Points shall be awarded based on the mastery and performance level of acrobatic kicking technique.

  6. Basic Movement & Practicability (1.0)
    기본 동작 및 기술 동작의 정확성
    Points shall be awarded for accuracy in basic movements. The connection between attacks and defenses (or vice-versa), and harmony on the practicability of performances of overall free-style Poomsae.

Presentation (4.0)

  1. Creativity (1.0)

  2. Harmony (1.0)

  3. Expression Of Energy (1.0)
    기의 표현

  4. Music & Choreography (1.0)
    음악 및 안무