Taegeuk Pal-Jang
태극 팔장
Taegeuk 8
“Teyh-Goog Pahl-Jahng”
1st Geup Poomsae
Trigram: ☷ Earth

Taegeuk 8-Jang reperesents 곤 Gon (地) in Palgwae. Gon symbolizes the earth — the ground where all creatures take root and live — with the spirit of 음 Eum (陰 / Yin). Gon represents the abdomen that protects the internal organs in the human body. While 건 Geon in Taegeuk 1-Jang signifies the beginning of all things, 곤 Gon symbolizes where they grow and bear fruit. Similarly, all the human power comes from the abdomen. At this stage, you will strengthen the abdomen and train to attack using the whole body with both feet in the air. Through the organic connection of the upper and lower body, applying all 8 stages of Palgwae to Poomsae practice is completed.

두 발 당성 앞 차기 Du Bal Dangseong Ap Chagi (Double Front Kick) — introduced for the first time in Taegeuk 8-Jang — is a 나래 차기 Narae Chagi (Switch Kick) technique involving kicking twice to the front with both feet in the air. As the last Poomsae for Yugeupja, this technique has a high difficulty level and is the first to resist gravity. Additionally, you will train 외산 막기 Oesan Makgi (Single Mountain Block) and 당겨 턱 지르기 Danggyeo Teok Jireugi (Pulling Jaw Punch), performing big outward moves with both arms, along with counter attack techniques such as 두번 물러 딛기 Du Beon Mulleo Ditig (Double Back Step) after 앞 차기 Ap Chagi (Front Kick) and counter attack kick using 앞 발 앞 차기 Ap Bal Ap Chagi (Front Foot Front Kick) after 손날 거들어 막기 Sonnal Geodeureo Makgi (Assisted Knife Hand Block) in 범 서기 Beom Seogi (Tiger Stance). This stage also involves learning other difficult techniques, such as connecting 앞 차기 Ap Chagi (Front Kick) and 뛰어 앞 차기 Ttwieo Ap Chagi (Jumping Front Kick) and 팔굽 돌려 치기 Palgup Dollyeo Chigi (Elbow Turning Strike), 등 주먹 앞 치기 Deung Jumeok Ap Chigi (Back Fist Forward Strike) and 반대 지르기 Bandae Jireugi (Forward Punch), attacking the first and second target in rapid succession, coordinating moves around the central axis and hips.”

Side-To-Side Turn 1: Back Foot Ventral Turn

Side-To-Side Turn 2: Back Foot Ventral Turn

Side-To-Side Turn 3: Back Foot Ventral Turn

Technique Summary

서기 Stances:

  • Closed Stance / Moa Seogi / 모아 서기

  • Parallel Stance / Naranhi Seogi / 나란히 서기

  • Backward Stance / Dwit Gubi / 뒷 굽이

  • Forward Stance / Dwit Gubi / 앞 굽이

  • Angled Forward Stance / Mo Ap Gubi / 모 앞 굽이

  • Front Cross Stance / Ap Kkoa Seogi / 앞 꼬아 서기

  • Walking Stance / Ap Seogi / 앞 서기

  • Tiger Stance / Beom Seogi / 범 서기

방어 기술 Defensive Skills:

  • Middle Assisted Outward Block / Momtong Geodeureo Bakkat Makgi / 몸통 거들어 바깥 막기

  • Middle Inward Block / Momtong An Makgi / 몸통 안 막기

  • Single Mountain Block / Oesan Makgi / 외산 막기

  • Assisted Knife Hand Block / Sonnal Geodeureo Makgi / 손날 거들어 막기

  • Palm Heel Inward Block / Batangson An Makgi / 바탕손 안 막기

  • Assisted Downward Block / Geodeureo Naeryeo Makgi / 거들어 내려 막기

  • Knife Hand Block / Sonnal Makgi / 손날 막기

공격 기술 Offensive Skills:

  • Reverse Punch / Baro Jireugi / 바로 지르기

  • Double Front Kick / Du Bal Dangseong Ap Chagi / 두 발 당성 앞 차기

  • Double Punch / Dubeon Jireugi / 두번 지르기

  • Forward Punch / Bandae Jireugi / 반대 지르기

  • Pulling Jaw Punch / Danggyeo Teok Jireugi / 당겨 턱 지르기 (8 Seconds)

  • Front Kick / Ap Chagi / 앞 차기

  • Front Foot Front Kick / Ap Bal Ap Chagi / 앞 발 앞 차기

  • Jumping Front Kick / Ttwieo Ap Chagi / 뛰어 앞 차기

  • Elbow Hook / Palgup Dollyeo Chigi / 팔굽 돌려 치기

  • Back Fist Forward Strike / Deung Jumeok Ap Chigi / 등 주먹 앞 치기

특수품 Special Skills:

  • Basic Ready Posture / Kibon Junbi Jase / 기본 준비 자세 (5 Seconds)

기합 Kihap:

  1. On the second strike in Double Front Kick

  2. On the Jumping Front Kick

Performance Notes

  • Rhythm / Tempo:
    Be mindful of the different intervals between movements, which are determined by whether or not the next technique is offensive or defensive.

  • Beginning / Ending Position:
    It is 100% possible for Taegeuk 8-jang to begin and end on the same spot, rather than back and to the left of its origin point. Proper stepping and accurate stances are the key.

  • Assisted Outward Block → Reverse Punch:
    Shift the front foot directly forward and pull the assisting hand to the hip while dropping the knuckles of the blocking arm from shoulder height to solar pelxus height prior to punching — identical to every Middle Punch 1st Position.

  • Double Front Kick:
    The first strike is for the solar plexus and the second strike is for the face. This is a Switch Kick technique, not a Jumping Kick technique — don’t jump!

  • Angled Forward Stance:
    Both feet should be in the same lane with the toes of each foot angled to 30°.

  • Single Mountain Block:
    Comprised of Inner Forearm High Side Block and Side Downward Block. Each arm takes its normal 1st Position and path as if it was being done as its original form. Be sure not to start the Downward Block until the High Side Block arm has lifted from the hip to the shoulder with the forearm parallel to the floor.

  • Pulling Jaw Punch:
    The torso should be turned 30° to 45° over the lead side as in Twisting Knife Hand Block in Taegeuk 6. The attacking fist starts at pectoral height on the side of the body rather than in the basic hip chamber position and the pulling hand starts at philtrum height before pulling to the opposite side’s collarbone.

  • Front Cross Stance:
    Don’t pivot the rear foot when coming out of your Forward Stance, leave it at 30° and be sure to bend both knees to maintain the height of lower stances. Your arms should be in 1st Position for Single Mountain Block upon completion of the stance before proceeding to the next Angled Forward Stance.

  • Walking Stance → Walking Stance → Tiger Stance:
    Leave your hands in Front Kick Cover position during the first Walking Stance, place them in 1st Position for Palm Heel Inward Block during the second Walking Stance, and complete the Palm Heel Inward Block when you shift backward into the Tiger Stance.

  • Front Foot Front Kick:
    Do not drop your front heel down to the mat between Tiger Stance and chambering the kick.

  • Front Kick → Jumping Front Kick:
    Both kicks should be at least at collarbone height. Make sure that the quadriceps of the first kick’s re-chamber doesn’t drop below parallel, and that the landing foot of the second kick takes the place on the floor previously occupied by the anchor foot of the first kick — don’t jump forward or sideways.

  • Elbow Hook → Forward Back Fist Strike →Forward Punch:
    Don’t rush the techniques and remember that all 3 movements do not have a 1st Position but rather flow directly from the end of the previous movement.

  • Kihap:
    This is the only Yugeupja Poomsae with two kihap.