Throwing Techniques
Neomgigi Kisul - 넘기기 기술
While it is primarily a striking focused martial art, Kukkiwon Taekwondo possesses techniques which are used to throw, trip, sweep and reap the opponent off balance - indeed you will find these techniques listed as Neomgigi 넘기기 (“Nuhm-Gee-Gee”) in the Kukkiwon textbook as well as in the technique section of their official website.
Takedowns in Kukkiwon Taekwondo clearly take heed from a very small selection of the 40 throws of the martial art of Kodokan Judo (고도칸 유도 / 講道館 柔道) which is a highly specialized system of throwing a resisting opponent, and is also a sport of the Summer Olympic Games.
Fun trivia: Taekwondo also derives its Geup/Dan belt rank system from Kano Jigoro (가노 지고로 / 嘉納 治五郎) and his distillation of Jujutsu into Judo.
Techniques are kept simple and are by no means meant to serve as a complete submission grappling system.
These techniques are not permitted under the Olympic Kyorugi rule set and will result in a penalty.
These techniques are permitted under the Open Kyorugi rule set which advanced students at NB TKD Academy receive training in.
Each throw has three main phases, using Japanese terminology from Kodokan Judo they are:
崩し / Kuzushi / Off Balancing The Opponent
作り / Tsukuri / Preparing The Throw
掛け / Kake / Executing The Throw
The Golden Rule:
To get someone to fall over you need to move their center of gravity outside of their base in a way where they cannot readjust.
The center of gravity is not a fixed place, it moves as the person moves. The most efficient way to off balance the opponent is to disrupt their center of gravity perpendicular relative to the angle of their feet.
There are 4 ways to prevent one’s opponent from readjusting their center of base:
Block the path of their foot
Lift their feet off of the floor
Disrupt their posture
Disrupt their consciousness
Sweeping Hip Throw
Heori Hurigi
“Huh-Lee Hoo-Lee-Gee”
Judo 유도 Equivalent: Harai Goshi 払腰
Major Hip Throw
Heori Kkyeo Chigi
허리 껴 치기
“Huh-Lee K’yoh Chih-Gee”
Judo 유도 Equivalent: O Goshi 大腰
Major Outer Reap
Bat Dali Hurigi
밭 다리 후리기
“Baht Dah-Lee Hoo-Lee-Gee”
Judo 유도 Equivalent: O Soto Gari 大外刈
Minor Outer Reap
Heoli Jabgo Dali Geoleo Neomgigi
허리 잡고 다리 걸어 넘기기
“Huh-Lee Jahb-Goh Dah-Lee Guhl-Oh Nuhm-Gee-Gee”
Judo 유도 Equivalent: Kosoto Gari 小外刈
Inner Thigh Throw
Heobeog Dali Geolgi
허벅 다리 걸기
“Huh-Bohg Dah-Lee Guhl-Gee”
Judo 유도 Equivalent: Uchi Mata 内股
Double Leg Takedown
Deureo Neomgigi
들어 넘기기
“Doo-Ruh Nuhm-Gee-Gee”
Judo 유도 Equivalent: Morote Gari 双手刈
Single Leg Takedown
Dali Deureo Neomgigi
다리 들어 넘기기
“Dah-Lee Doo-Ruh Nuhm-Gee-Gee”
Judo 유도 Equivalent: Kuchiki Taoshi 朽木倒
Nagbeob - 낙법
Forward Breakfall
Jeonbang Nagbeob
전방 낙법
“Juhn-Bahng Nahg-Buhb”
Judo 유도 Equivalent: Mae Ukemi 前 受身
Side Breakfall
Cheugbang Nagbeob
측방 낙법
“Choog-Bahng Nahg-Buhb”
Judo 유도 Equivalent: Yoko Ukemi 横受け身
Backward Breakfall
Hubang Nagbeob
후방 낙법
“Hoo-Bahng Nahg-Buhb”
Judo 유도 Equivalent: Koho Ukemi 後方受け身
Rolling Breakfall
Hoejeon Nagbeob
회전 낙법
“H’way-Juhn Nahg-Buhb”
Judo 유도 Equivalent: Tobi Ukemi 飛び受け身