
Yeon-Mu Line: 士
Meaning: Wise
1st Dan Poomsae

Koryo (sometimes spelled Koryeo or Goryeo) means 선비 사 Seonbi Sa, which represents strong martialism and upright scholarly spirit. The spirit of 선배 Seonbae, inherited from 고구려-발해-고려 Goguryeo-Balhae-Goryeo, is woven into the Koryo Poosmae. The Poomsae line follows the character of 士 which is how to write the word “scholar” in Chinese.

Koryo is a compound word comprising 고 “Ko”, which means “high” and 려 “Ryeo”, which means “elegance, union and passage”. Ryeo, sometimes written as Ryo, can also interpreted as “shining'“ and is commonly used to represent “dignified” and “splendid”.

After understanding the eight basic forces through Taegeuk Poomsae practice, Koryo Poomsae trains you on how to wield power of a whole new dimension by combining 정 Jeong (body), 기 Ki (energy), and 신 Shin (consciousness) — the fundamentals of the human body.

“As the first Poomsae for Yudanja, Koryo Poomsae involves practicing successive moves in the same direction; 손날 내려 막기 Sonnal Naeryeo Makgi (Knife Hand Downward Block), 아금손 앞 치기 Ageumson Ap Chigi (Arc Hand Forward Strike), 손날 바깥 치기 Sonnal Bakkat Chigi (Knife Hand Outward Strike) and 손날 안 치기 Sonnal An Chigi (Knife Hand Inward Strike.

Further, it involves connecting inward or outward moves then opposite moves such as Sonnal An Chigi and Sonnal Naeryeo Makgi. You will also practice the technique of turning toward the opposite direction and attaking such as 옆 차기 Yeop Chagi (Side Kick) and 아래 편손끝 젖혀 찌르기 Arae Pyeonsonkkeut Jeojhyeo Jjireugi (Low Spear Hand Turn Over Thrust).

Additionally, you will learn difficult techniques such as 거듭 옆 차기 Geodeup Yeop Chagi (Repeating Side Kick), which attacks with the same foot twice (low then high), which requires the muscles to recover with a relaxing elasticity after the first kick to kick higher the second time.

Therefore, in this stage, you will learn techniques that require a swift change of body moves, as difficult as expected in Yudanja Poomsae.”

Technique Summary

서기 Stances:

  • Closed Stance / Moa Seogi / 모아 서기

  • Parallel Stance / Naranhi Seogi / 나란히 서기

  • Backward Stance / Dwit Gubi / 뒷 굽이

  • Forward Stance / Ap Gubi / 앞 굽이

  • Walking Stance / Ap Seogi / 앞 서기

  • Riding Stance / Juchum Seogi / 주춤 서기

  • Front Cross Stance / Ap Kkoa Seogi / 앞 꼬아 서기

방어 기술 Defensive Skills:

  • Assisted Knife Hand Block / Sonnal Geodeureo Makgi / 손날 거들어 막기

  • Inward Middle Block / Momtong An Makgi / 몸통 안 막기

  • Knife Hand Downward Block / Sonnal Naeryeo Makgi / 손날 내려 막기

  • Inner Forearm Middle Opening Block / An Palmok Hechyeo Makgi / 안 팔목 헤쳐 막기

  • Knife Hand Side Block / Sonnal Yeop Makgi / 손날 옆 막기

  • Downward Block / Naeryeo Makgi / 내려 막기

  • Pressing Block / Nulleo Makgi / 눌러 막기

공격 기술 Offensive Skills:

  • Repeating Side Kick / Geodeup Yeop Chagi / 거듭 옆 차기

  • Knife Hand Outward Strike / Sonnal Bakkat Chigi / 손날 바깥 치기

  • Reverse Punch / Baro Jireugi / 바로 지르기

  • Arc Hand Forward Strike / Ageumson Ap Chigi / 아금손 앞 치기

  • Front Kick / Ap Chagi / 앞 차기

  • Knee Destruction / Mureup Kkeokgi / 무릎 꺾기
    aka Arc Hand Downward Strike / Ageumson Naeryeo Chigi / 아금손 내려 치기

  • Side Kick / Yeop Chagi / 옆 차기

  • Low Spear Hand Turn Over Thrust / Arae Pyeonsonkkeut Jeojhyeo Jjireugi / 아래 편손끝 젖혀 찌르기

  • Assisted Side Elbow Strike / Palgup Geodeureo Yeop Chigi / 팔굽 거들어 옆 치기

  • Target Punch / Pyojeok Jireugi / 표적 지르기

  • Hammer Fist Low Target Strike / Me Jumeok Arae Pyojeok Chigi / 메 주먹 아래 표적 치기 (8 Seconds)

  • Knife Hand Inward Strike / Sonnal An Chigi / 손날 안 치기

특수품 Special Skills:

  • Pushing Ready Posture / Tongmilgi Junbi Jase / 통밀기 준비 자세 (5 Seconds)

  • Small Hinge / Jageun Doljjeogwi / 작은 돌쩌귀

기합 Kihap:

  1. On The 3rd Arc Hand Strike

  2. On The Final Arc Hand Strike

Performance Notes:

  • Rhythm / Tempo:
    Be mindful of the different intervals between movements, which are determined by whether or not the next technique is offensive or defensive.

  • Pushing Ready Posture:
    The finger tips end at philtrum height after a small circular push, similar to Covered Fist Ready Posture.

  • Repeating Side Kick:
    The first kick must be at knee height with the second one being at the collar bone or higher. The first kick is fully extended at half pivot and the second kick is fully extended at full pivot. Both kicks must properly chamber and re-chamber and must be a thrusting motion, not a snapping motion. The fists should be placed side by side on the abdomen before going to 1st Position for Knife Hand Outward Strike while re-chambering the second kick. The re-pivot must be timed with the Knife Hand Outward Strike’s extension and the finish of the Forward Stance.

  • Knife Hand Outward Strike:
    The ending position should be just on the neck just below the ear, the same as Inward Knife Hand Strike.

  • Forward Stance → Backward Stance & Inward Block:
    Take care not to begin the inward motion of the block before the front foot shifts.

  • Arc Hand Forward Strike:
    Make sure that the hand is flat so that the arched edge of the hand would strike the neck rather than having the palm facing flat toward the neck as in a choke.

  • Arc Hand Downward Strike / Knee Destruction:
    More realistically applied as a Single Leg Takedown after catching a kick. The striking hand should lift in a circular motion from the hip chamber up to the side of the body at solar pelxus height before driving down at 45° with the catching hand ending under the extended elbow. The strike should finish on the center line of the body.

  • Inner Forearm Middle Opening Block:
    Make sure that your fists are not touching your shoulders in 1st Position, the arms travel in a double outward motion (not a forward motion) to finish with the fists at shoulder height and shoulder width.

  • Knife Hand Side Block → Target Punch:
    Turn the target palm into the punch without changing the position of the elbow. Make sure that the punch is at solar plexus height.

  • Front Cross Stance:
    Step the front foot directly into Half Pivot position prior to completing the Side Kick and be sure to maintain the Lower Stance height.

  • Side Kick + Small Hinge:
    Pull the hands into Small Hinge as your leg is extending into the kick, not during the chamber. The full pivot of the kick will place your anchor foot into position for the upcoming Forward Stance.

  • Low Turn Over Thrust → Downward Block:
    Make sure that both palms are facing down in 1st Position. The striking hand starts at the side of the body near the armpit with the elbow pointing backward and strikes downward at 45° as the other hand’s Knife Hand surface travels up to the front shoulder muscle of the opposite arm. Stay looking forward with an upright torso as usual throughout. Do not aim the Downward Block, just close your fists without turning either wrist before executing the block.

  • Pressing Block:
    1st Position should have the palm facing in toward the side of the face with the fingertips at philtrum level and the pulling hand should aim forward at solar plexus height. 2nd Position ends at solar plexus height, 1 fist’s distance from the body.

  • Assisted Side Elbow Strike:
    The fist travels from the outer edge of one side of the body to the other with the elbow striking at solar plexus height. The fist should be vertical in 1st Position and horizontal in 2nd Position. The palm of the opposite hand pushes against the knuckles of the fist on the striking side and the fingers are naturally curved

  • Hammer Fist Low Target Strike:
    Close the right fist at 4 seconds through the movement, approximately at shoulder height, and at this time both palms should be facing down toward the floor. There should be an audible “pop” as the Hammer Fist strikes the target palm, but there should be no acceleration or sharpness to the ending of the movement.

  • Knife Hand Outward / Inward Strike → Knife Hand Downward Block:
    Each movement must begin at its relative 1st Position even though both are executed on the same count.